
MultiTouch Technology is Here to Stay

The way we interact with machines has recently changed. Input devices like keyboards, joysticks and mouses are now things of the past. Intuitive multitouch technology as well as motion and gestures interactive technologies replaced older technologies. Touch, Gestures and Multitouch technology developed by companies such as LUSENS, now allows users to interact with digital computing content in […]

How to Create Successful WayFinders for your Venue

Successful WayFinders are Key How to Create a Successful WayFinders Display for your Venue is not trivial. LUSENS Way-Finding systems create a custom, immersive search experience that guests find compelling and comfortable, connecting them to retail, commercial and institutional meeting spaces in a timely, intuitive and informative manner. Integrating state of the art touch and […]

4 Reasons Why You May Need a Way finder

4 Reasons Why You May Need a Way-Finder. Frequently, potential customers ask ‘what’s the advantage of an interactive Way Finder over a regular, static digital directory or pathfinder? The answer is simple: A touch or gesture-driven Interactive Way Finder is: (1) More engaging, (2) Attracts people’s attention, (3) Is easier to update and (4) Can […]

5 Tips to Design Effective Interactive Experiences

Technology allows us now to convert existing surfaces such as floors and walls into multimedia displays that reacts to people’s movements and touch, or what is known as Interactive Floor and Interactive Wall displays. To create engaging Interactive Floor and Wall Experiences we need a projector, which projects a large high-definition image on the floor, window […]

Monetize your Store Window with a Touch Interactive Window Experience

You can now monetize-your-store-window  with a Touch Interactive Window Experience. Interactive windows are rapidly becoming the next in-thing after traditional store windows. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology is now possible to create an impressive user-engagement experience that will allow stores to, practically, work 24/7.  The ability to project multimedia content including images, video and textual information and let people browse, select […]

Engaging User Experiences

Engaging User Experiences captivate, entertain and inform audiences. Research suggests that interactive mediums are significantly more effective and memorable than non-interactive alternatives. At Lusens we design engaging user experiences that blend with customer’s site environment, combining an enveloping sculptural with a powerful multimedia experience that engages and inspires the audience and leaves a lasting impression. To create WOW Interactive and […]

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